Source code for pivuq.lib

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from numba import jit, prange

[docs]def sliding_avg_subtract(im, window_size) -> np.ndarray: r"""Perform sliding window average subtraction. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray Image of size :math:`N \times M`. window_size : int Window size. Returns ------- np.ndarray Average subtracted image of size :math:`N \times M`. """ im_avg = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, sigma=window_size // 2 + 1) return im - im_avg
[docs]def construct_subpixel_position_map(im): r"""Construct sub-pixel position map based on 3-point Gaussian fit stencil. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray Image of size :math:`N \times M`. Returns ------- X_sub, Y_sub : np.ndarray Subpixel position map of size :math:`N \times M`. """ eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps # Log of image im = np.log(im) # Shifted images im_E = np.zeros_like(im) + eps im_W = np.zeros_like(im) + eps im_S = np.zeros_like(im) + eps im_N = np.zeros_like(im) + eps im_E[:, :-1] = im[:, 1:] im_W[:, 1:] = im[:, :-1] im_N[1:, :] = im[:-1, :] im_S[:-1, :] = im[1:, :] # Subpixel position X_sub = (im_W - im_E) / 2.0 / (im_E + im_W - 2 * im) Y_sub = (im_S - im_N) / 2.0 / (im_S + im_N - 2 * im) X_sub[~np.isfinite(X_sub)] = 0 Y_sub[~np.isfinite(Y_sub)] = 0 return X_sub, Y_sub
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def find_particle(im, ic, jc, radius=1): r"""Particle peak position finder around the radius of centroid. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray Image array of size :math:`N \times M`. ic, jc : int Row and column index of centroid. radius : int Search radius of centroid. Returns ------- int, int Row index and column index of peak. """ n, m = im.shape r, iPeak, jPeak, imax = 0, 0, 0, 0 while r <= radius and imax == 0: for i in range(max(1, ic - r), min(ic + r, n - 2)): for j in range(max(1, jc - r), min(jc + r, m - 2)): if ( (im[i, j] > im[i, j - 1]) & (im[i, j] > im[i - 1, j]) & (im[i, j] > im[i, j + 1]) & (im[i, j] > im[i + 1, j]) & (im[i, j] > imax) ): iPeak = i jPeak = j imax = im[i, j] r += 1 return iPeak, jPeak
[docs]def find_peaks(imgPI) -> np.ndarray: r"""Particle peak position detection according to Eq. (1) [1]_. Parameters ---------- imgPI : np.ndarray Image intensity product :math:`\Pi` of size :math:`N \times M`. Returns ------- np.ndarray Peak map :math:`\varphi` of size :math:`N \times M`. """ # Calculate peaks values imgPI_C = imgPI[1:-1, 1:-1] # Neighbors imgPI_E = imgPI[1:-1, 2:] imgPI_W = imgPI[1:-1, :-2] imgPI_N = imgPI[:-2, 1:-1] imgPI_S = imgPI[2:, 1:-1] # Locate peaks peaks = np.zeros_like(imgPI) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] = (imgPI_C > imgPI_E) & (imgPI_C > imgPI_W) & (imgPI_C > imgPI_N) & (imgPI_C > imgPI_S) # Threshold background peaks *= np.sqrt(np.abs(imgPI)) return peaks
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, cache=True) def disparity_ensemble_statistics(D, c, weights, wr, grid_size, coeff, ROI): r"""Numba accelerated loop for computing the disparity statistics inside a window of radius `wr`. Parameters ---------- D : np.ndarray Disparity map :math:`D` of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (2) [1]_. c : np.ndarray Disparity weight map :math:`c` of size :math:`N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. weights : np.ndarray Windowing weights of size :math:`N \times M` defined by Gaussian or tophat filter. wr : int Window radius. ws : int Disparity resolution size. coeff : float Confidence interval coefficient. ROI : tuple Row and column indices of the ROI: (`i_min`, `i_max`, `j_min`, `j_max`). Returns ------- delta : np.ndarray Instantaneous error estimation map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. N : np.ndarray Number of peaks inside the window. mu : np.ndarray Mean disparity map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. sigma : np.ndarray Standard deviation disparity map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Sciacchitano, A., Wieneke, B., & Scarano, F. (2013). PIV uncertainty quantification by image matching. Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (4). """ n, m = D.shape[1] // grid_size, D.shape[2] // grid_size wr_eff = int(np.round(coeff * wr)) # Uncertainty statistics N = np.zeros((n, m)) mu = np.zeros((2, n, m)) sigma = np.zeros((2, n, m)) delta = np.zeros((2, n, m)) for ii in prange(n): i = ii * grid_size + grid_size // 2 # Row bounds of windw i0 = max(i - wr_eff, 0) i1 = min(i + wr_eff, n * grid_size - 1) for jj in prange(m): j = jj * grid_size + grid_size // 2 # Only calculate inside ROI if (i >= ROI[0]) and (i <= ROI[1]) and (j >= ROI[2]) and (j <= ROI[3]): # Column bounds of windw j0 = max(j - wr_eff, 0) j1 = min(j + wr_eff, m * grid_size - 1) # Filter windowed weights_w = weights[ wr_eff - (i - i0) : wr_eff + (i1 - i), wr_eff - (j - j0) : wr_eff + (j1 - j), ] # Peaks windowed c_w = c[i0:i1, j0:j1] * weights_w # Number of peaks inside window # Bug in original code? N[ii, jj] = np.maximum(np.sum((c_w > 0) * weights_w), 1) for k in range(2): # Disparity windowed d_w = D[k, i0:i1, j0:j1].ravel() c_w = (c[i0:i1, j0:j1] * weights_w).ravel() d_w = d_w[np.nonzero(d_w)] c_w = c_w[np.nonzero(c_w)] # Outlier removal valid_mask = np.where(np.abs(d_w - np.mean(d_w)) <= 3 * np.std(d_w)) d_w = d_w[valid_mask] c_w = c_w[valid_mask] # Mean disparity (bias): Eq. (3) (left) mu[k, ii, jj] = np.sum(c_w * d_w) / np.sum(c_w) # Std. dev. disparity (rms): Eq. (3) (right) sigma[k, ii, jj] = np.sqrt(np.sum(c_w * (d_w - mu[k, ii, jj]) ** 2) / np.sum(c_w)) # Instantanous error estimation delta[k, ii, jj] = np.sqrt(mu[k, ii, jj] ** 2 + (sigma[k, ii, jj] ** 2 / N[ii, jj])) return delta, N, mu, sigma
[docs]def disparity_vector_computation(warped_image_pair, radius=2.0, sliding_window_size=16): r"""Python implementation of `Sciacchitano-Wieneke-Scarano` disparity vector computation algorithm for PIV Uncertainty Quantification by image matching [1]_. Parameters ---------- warped_image_pair : np.ndarray Warped image pair :math:`\hat{\mathbf{I}} = (\hat{I}_0, \hat{I}_1)^{\top}` of size :math:`2 \times N \times M`. radius : int, default: 2 Discrete particle position search radius from the centroid defined by :math:`\varphi`. sliding_window_size : int, default: 16 Sliding window average subtraction window size. Returns ------- D : np.ndarray Disparity map :math:`D` of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (2). c : np.ndarray Disparity weight map :math:`c` of size :math:`N \times M` defined by Eq. (3). """ frame_a, frame_b = warped_image_pair # Ensure images are float frame_a = frame_a.astype("float") frame_b = frame_b.astype("float") if sliding_window_size: frame_a = sliding_avg_subtract(frame_a, sliding_window_size) frame_b = sliding_avg_subtract(frame_b, sliding_window_size) # Image intensity product (Eq. 1): :math:`\Pi = \hat{I}_1\hat{I}_2` imgPI = frame_a * frame_b # Positive regions img_pos = (frame_a > 0) & (frame_b > 0) # Ensure frames are positive frame_a = frame_a - np.min(frame_a) + np.finfo(np.float64).eps frame_b = frame_b - np.min(frame_b) + np.finfo(np.float64).eps # Find peaks peaks = find_peaks(imgPI) # Calculate indices of peaks coords = np.stack(np.where(peaks)) # # Construct coordinates Xo, Yo = np.meshgrid( np.arange(imgPI.shape[1], dtype="float"), np.arange(imgPI.shape[0], dtype="float"), ) # Construct coordinates X = np.tile(Xo, (2, 1, 1)) Y = np.tile(Yo, (2, 1, 1)) X_A_sub, Y_A_sub = construct_subpixel_position_map(frame_a) X_B_sub, Y_B_sub = construct_subpixel_position_map(frame_b) for i, j in coords.T: iAp, jAp = find_particle(frame_a, i, j, radius=radius) iBp, jBp = find_particle(frame_b, i, j, radius=radius) if (iAp * jAp * iBp * jBp) > 0: X[0, i, j] = Xo[iAp, jAp] + X_A_sub[iAp, jAp] Y[0, i, j] = Yo[iAp, jAp] - Y_A_sub[iAp, jAp] X[1, i, j] = Xo[iBp, jBp] + X_B_sub[iBp, jBp] Y[1, i, j] = Yo[iBp, jBp] - Y_B_sub[iBp, jBp] else: peaks[i, j] = 0 # (Eq. 3): disparity weights $c$ c = peaks * (imgPI > 0) * img_pos # Disparity map: $D$ D = np.stack((X[1] - X[0], Y[1] - Y[0])) * (imgPI > 0) * img_pos return D, c