Source code for pivuq.disparity

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import skimage.registration

from . import lib, warping

[docs]def ilk( image_pair, U, window_size=16, prefilter=True, window="gaussian", velocity_upsample_kind="linear", warp_direction="center", warp_order=1, warp_nsteps=1, ): r"""Disparity map calculation using iterative Lucas Kanade ("ilk"). Parameters ---------- image_pair : np.ndarray Image pairs :math:`\mathbf{I} = (I_0, I_1)^{\top}` of size (2 x rows x cols). U : np.ndarray Sparse or dense 2D velocity field :math:`\mathbf{U} = (u, v)^{\top}` of (2 x U_rows x U_cols). window_size : int, default: 16 Window size around the pixel to consider the disparity for optical flow estimator. window : {"gaussian", "tophat"}, default: "gaussian" Windowing kernel type for integration around the pixel. prefilter : bool, default: True Whether to prefilter the estimated optical flow before each image warp. When True, a median filter with window size 3 along each axis is applied. This helps to remove potential outliers. velocity_upsample_kind : {"linear", "cubic", "quintic"}, default: "linear" Velocity upsampling kind for spline interpolation `scipy.interpolation.interp2d`. warp_direction : {"forward", "center", "backward"}, default: "center" Warping direction. warp_order : 1-5, default: 1 The order of interpolation for `skimage.transform.warp`. warp_nsteps : int, default: 5 Number of sub-steps to use for warping to improve accuracy. Returns ------- X, Y : np.ndarray `x` and `y` coordinates of disparity map. D : np.ndarray pixel-wise 2D disparity map :math:`\mathbf{D} = (d_x, d_y)^\top` of size (2 x rows x cols). See Also -------- skimage.registration.optical_flow_ilk : Coarse to fine optical flow estimator. skimage.transform.warp : Warp an image according to a given coordinate transformation. """ # Image dimensions nr, nc = image_pair[0].shape # Warp image: $\hat{\mathbf{I}}$ warped_frame_a, warped_frame_b = warping.warp( image_pair, U, velocity_upsample_kind=velocity_upsample_kind, direction=warp_direction, nsteps=warp_nsteps, order=warp_order, ) # windowing type gaussian = True if window == "gaussian" else False # Disparity map using Lucas Kanade optical_flow = skimage.registration.optical_flow_ilk( warped_frame_a, warped_frame_b, radius=window_size // 2, gaussian=gaussian, prefilter=prefilter, ) # Disparity map D = np.abs(optical_flow[::-1]) # Image coordinates Y, X = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nr), np.arange(nc), indexing="ij") return X, Y, D
[docs]def sws( image_pair, U, window_size=16, grid_size=4, window="gaussian", radius=1, sliding_window_subtraction=True, ROI=None, velocity_upsample_kind="linear", warp_direction="center", warp_order=1, warp_nsteps=1, ): r"""Python implementation of `Sciacchitano-Wieneke-Scarano` algorithm of PIV Uncertainty Quantification by image matching [1]_. Parameters ---------- image_pair : np.ndarray Image pairs :math:`\mathbf{I} = (I_0, I_1)^{\top}` of size (2 x rows x cols). U : np.ndarray Sparse or dense 2D velocity field :math:`\mathbf{U} = (u, v)^{\top}` of (2 x U_rows x U_cols). window_size : int, default: 16 Window size around the pixel to consider the disparity ensemble. grid_size: int, default: 4 Disparity ensemble grid resolution in pixels. window : {"gaussian", "tophat"}, default: "gaussian" Window type for the disparity statistics. radius : int, default: 1 Search radius for particle peak position. sliding_window_subtraction : bool, default: False Whether to use the sliding window subtraction before disparity vector calculation. ROI : tuple, default: None Region of interest to use for calculating the disparity ensemble (`i_min`, `i_max`, `j_min`, `j_max`). velocity_upsample_kind : {"linear", "cubic", "quintic"}, default: "linear" Velocity upsampling kind for spline interpolation `scipy.interpolation.interp2d`. warp_direction : {"forward", "center", "backward"}, default: "center" Warping direction. warp_order : 1-5, default: 1 The order of interpolation for `skimage.transform.warp`. warp_nsteps : int, default: 5 Number of sub-steps to use for warping to improve accuracy. Returns ------- X, Y : np.ndarray `x` and `y` coordinates of disparity map. delta : np.ndarray Instantaneous error estimation map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. N : np.ndarray Number of peaks inside the window. mu : np.ndarray Mean disparity map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. sigma : np.ndarray Standard deviation disparity map of size :math:`2 \times N \times M` defined by Eq. (3) [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Sciacchitano, A., Wieneke, B., & Scarano, F. (2013). PIV uncertainty quantification by image matching. Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (4). """ # Image dimensions nr, nc = image_pair[0].shape # Step 1: Warp image: $\hat{\mathbf{I}}$ warped_image_pair = warping.warp( image_pair, U, velocity_upsample_kind=velocity_upsample_kind, direction=warp_direction, nsteps=warp_nsteps, order=warp_order, ) # Step 2: Disparity vector computation if sliding_window_subtraction: sliding_window_size = window_size else: sliding_window_size = None D, c = lib.disparity_vector_computation( warped_image_pair, radius=radius, sliding_window_size=sliding_window_size, ) # Step 3: Disparity statistics calculation # Gaussian windowing wr = int(np.round(window_size / 2)) if window == "gaussian": coeff = 1.75 weights = * 2 * coeff)) + 1, int(np.round(wr / 2 * coeff))) elif window == "tophat": coeff = 1 weights = np.ones(wr * 2 * coeff + 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Window type `{window}` not valid.") weights = np.outer(weights, weights) # 2D windowing weights if ROI is None: ROI = (0, nr, 0, nc) else: ROI = tuple(ROI) # Accumulate disparity statistics within the window (numba accelerated loop) delta, N, mu, sigma = lib.disparity_ensemble_statistics(D, c, weights, wr, grid_size, coeff, ROI) # Coordinates Y, X = np.meshgrid( np.arange(grid_size // 2, nr, grid_size), np.arange(grid_size // 2, nc, grid_size), indexing="ij" ) return X, Y, delta, N, mu, sigma